The Benefits of Following Your Hair Transplant Procedure With PRP Therapy

The Benefits of Following Your Hair Transplant Procedure With PRP Therapy

Hair transplant surgery delivers impressive results on its own, but adding platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is the secret ingredient to an even better outcome. This powerful combination is becoming the gold standard for patients who want maximum hair density and faster recovery.

At The Rawal Institute for Hair Restoration and Aesthetic Medicine in Madison, Wisconsin, Shamila Gupta Rawal, MD, offers PRP therapy as the perfect complement to hair transplantation procedures.

PRP accelerates your transplant recovery

Your blood contains platelets filled with growth factors that naturally stimulate healing. When we concentrate these platelets and apply them to your scalp after transplantation, they create the ideal environment for your grafts to establish themselves.

During those crucial first days after surgery, PRP helps reduce inflammation while promoting blood vessel formation around each newly placed follicle. This improved blood supply delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to your transplanted hair, significantly improving graft survival rates.

The transplant-PRP advantage

In clinical studies, patients who received PRP with their transplants experienced several benefits:

While supporting your transplants, PRP simultaneously works on your existing hair. The same growth factors that help transplants thrive also extend the growth phase of your natural hair cycles. Many patients notice their non-transplanted hair becoming thicker and healthier following treatment.

Dr. Rawal's strategic approach

Your PRP treatment begins the morning of your FUE or FUT*  hair transplant, creating a scaffolding for the incoming grafts and activating cellular signaling.  *FUE involves extracting individual follicular units from the donor area, creating minimal scarring compared with traditional strip harvesting (FUT), but Dr. Rawal recommends both modalities equally.

The PRP preparation process is quick and straightforward. During your appointment, we draw a small amount of blood — similar to a routine lab test. We place this blood in a specialized centrifuge that separates the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components. 

The resulting PRP contains 5-7 times the normal concentration of platelets and growth factors.

Dr. Rawal injects the freshly prepared PRP into your recipient area just prior to graft implantation, which allows maximal activation during the crucial healing window when newly placed grafts are establishing their blood supply. Follow-up treatments with plant-derived peptide growth factors at 4 months and eight months coincide with key growth phases, maintaining optimal stem cell activity and growth factor levels throughout recovery.

This sequential approach reduces the typical "shock loss" period of hair shedding after surgery while supporting consistent development of your transplanted follicles. Each 30- to 45-minute treatment involves minimal discomfort while significantly enhancing your transplant results. 

Most patients require at least three sessions for optimal results, though your specific treatment plan is tailored to your individual needs and response.

Book your post-transplant PRP treatment in Madison, Wisconsin

Are you ready to boost your hair transplant results? Contact The Rawal Institute for Hair Restoration and Aesthetic Medicine today to schedule your PRP consultation. Our expert team is eager to create a personalized plan to support your newly transplanted hair and help you achieve the fuller, thicker results you want.

Call our office or request an appointment online to learn more.


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